Canon: 564
A school chaplain is a priest to whom is entrusted in a humble manner the pastoral care, at least in part of some community or special group of Christ faithful, to be exercised in accordance with Universal and particular law.
Canon: 794
The has in a special way the duty and the right of educating, for it has a divine mission of helping all to arrive at the fullness of Christian life. Pastors of soul have the duty of making all possible arrangements so that all the faithful may avail themselves for Catholic education.
Canon: 795
Education must pay a regard to the formation of the formation of the whole person so that all may attain their eternal destiny and at the same time promote the common good of society. Children and young persons therefore to be cared for in such a way that their physical, moral and intellectual may develop in a harmonious manner, so that they may attain a greater sense of responsibility and a right use of freedom and be formed to take an active part in social life.
The above Canons define the roles of a chaplain in a catholic founded school. The chaplaincy of St. Joseph`s Senior Secondary School Naggalama operates with in those mentioned Canons.